Shawna Snow

Is your company scaling? Then you are:
- losing people you want to keep
- seeing a drop in team effectiveness
- struggling with embedding diversity

I help people in companies like yours to define their purpose and ethos. Are you ready for hi-performance mode?
I'm located in SoCal, USA.

My talents have a great match with Scaleups, Corporates with a mission, and professional coaching and facilitation companies.

Shawna Snow and grandson

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Current Projects
Return Refreshed - Family Wellness ExperienceA new travel concept for busy people who want to travel with intention.
The youth enrichment projectEconomic support to allow students to complete their education.

What Shawna can do for you

Shawna Snow’s methodologies turn your biggest assets (your employees) into high-performing teams. Using positive psychology and a broad selection of individual, and group work, people experience greater job satisfaction and higher output.
Through stakeholder alignment and goal setting, she increases the feeling of belonging and raises the understanding of collective success, for both the people and the company.

Network of American Businesswomen in AmsterdamTEDx Education AmsterdamRetreats on work-life balance for high performing women in corporateRetreats for Teens in International Baccalaureate enrolled in Leadership development programs

Corporate hi-lights
Starbucks - Process innovation and stakeholder alignment (buy-in)aFrogleap - Leadership training after the company sold, restructuring, and empowering middle managementIrdeto - Navigating highly politicized internal agenda's, yet successfully assisting corporate Learning and Development team with change managementNodes - Personal development of middle management in a time of changeRosemary Hill Farm - Ensuring mission and vision alignment within a highly hierarchal management style

Shawna’s accreditations and experiences are rooted in positive psychology principles and include:
Goal-oriented coachingMBTIGallup Strengthsfinder8 Steps of DesignArbinger Outward MindsetHuman-Centered DesignThese cover all the elements of team building and successfully address Goal Setting, Stakeholder Alignment, Conflict Resolution, Innovation, Personal responsibility & development, and Team dynamics (Team building & Well-being).

"When team members understand their unique values in addition to their skills, high performance is a natural result."

Next to her freelance work, Shawna ran her NGO for 12 years with 50 active volunteers:
Launching programs geared towards people in townships (solar bakery, solar street light (Philips lightning), urban gardening.Local initiatives focussed on connecting marginalized youth with companies like Atlassian and Adobe.Assisting other NGOs with her staff to accelerate refugee support.Developed curriculum and published a leadership workbook

Small businesses coaching (product-market fit & idea generation in non-western standards)Assisted in setting up Agricultural training center in South Africa